Massure Nara Myrick Sanders

Massure Nara Myrick Sanders
MASSURE NARA MYRICK was born about 1855 in Lauderdale County, Alabama. She died on 10 Jul 1910 in Howard County Arkansas,  She was the daughter of Elias C and Ann Elizabeth Porter Myrick, who brought their family to Hempstead County Arkansas about 1857.
Massure married John P. Sanders on 17 Mar 1867 in Hempstead County Arkansas. He was born on 04 Mar 1846 in Hempstead Co Ar. He died in 1897 in Howard Co Arkansas.

A few notes for Massure Nara Myrick:

AKA Misenire, Nare, Narria, Narry, Nar

1880 Mine Creek Hempstead County Ar
John P Sanders 34 AR GA GA
Narry 26 wife AL AL AL
Eddie 7 son
Eli 4 son
David 1 son
Conf pension records
John P Sanders
spouse Narria Sanders
Howard Co AR
Ar Artillery
Howard Co reg
Died 1897
widow applied 1910
1900 Franklin Tp, Howard County Ar
Ed Sanders 26
Lucy A Sanders 20
Berry W Sanders 1
Narra E Sanders 47 AL widowed mother
James D Sanders 15
Elisha Sanders 13
Pleas C Sanders 7
1910 Franklin TP Howard Co Ar- dated April 27, 1910
Ed Sanders 34
Lucy Sanders 28
Bessie Sanders 11
Myrtle Sanders 9
Morris Sanders 7
Clarence Sanders 5
Benny Sanders 3
Ona Sanders 0
Nar Sanders 54 mother widowed AL AL GA  11 children born/6 children living

Massure Nara Myrick Sanders died less than 3 months later and I do not have any idea where she is buried, nor her husband.  The children, though, are all buried in Shiloh Cemetery, in Southern Howard County Arkansas.

John P. Sanders and Massure Nara Myrick had the following children:
ED SANDERS was born in 1871. He died on 17 Feb 1938 in Howard  County Arkansas (Shiloh Cemetery ). He married LUCY A YOUNG. She was born in 1880. She died in 1963.
ELISHA CHRISTENBERRY "LISH" SANDERS was born on 14 Oct 1887. He died on 01 Apr 1967 in Howard County Arkansas (Shiloh Cemetery ). He married LILLIAN EDNA HOSEY. She was born in 1891. She died in 1974 in Howard  County Arkansas (Shiloh Cemetery ).
PLEAS CALVIN SANDERS was born in 1894. He died in 1937 in Howard  County Arkansas (Shiloh Cemetery ). He married LELA MAE.
DAVID SANDERS was born on 24 Mar 1878. He died on 03 Jun 1959 in Howard County Akansas (Shiloh Cemetery ). He married LAURA HOSEY. She was born on 05 Dec 1889. She died on 06 Jul 1973 in Howard  County Arkansas (Shiloh Cemetery ).

Sharing with 52 Ancestors- this week's prompt is "favorite name", and I like Massure's name because it is so unique and I have never known or heard of another person with this name.

Massure was my 2 greats grand aunt, sister to my 2 greats grandmother Mary Melissa Myrick Sutton.

{just for fun...The meaning of the given name Massure represents compassion, creativity, reliability, generosity, loyalty and a love for domestic life.  The name Nara stands for seriousness, thought, intuition, intent and wisdom.  Which is all neither here nor there, but interesting to me.}